American scientists have created a number of new fillings materials that have antibacterial and remineralizing properties, reports Medical Xpress.

Huakun Xu of the University of Maryland and his colleagues expect the life of nanotechnology-created materials to be 10 years. Under the influence of compounds produced by microorganisms, the destruction of tooth enamel begins, as a result of which caries occurs. During treatment, the dentist removes the softened mineralized tooth tissue (dentin), which contains microorganisms.

Part of the dentin cannot be removed, so a certain amount of bacteria remains inside the tooth, which causes secondary caries. Researchers have created antibacterial materials that ensure the reliability of filling (primer and adhesive).

The adhesive contains silver nanoparticles. Also, this material is designed to maintain alkaline pH values inside the tooth, since in an alkaline enviroment, microorganisms limit the production of organic acids.

“ We also included antibacterial agents in the materials providing the strength of the filling, since these are the first substances that cover the inner surface of the tooth and fill the thin tubules inside it in the treatment of caries, “ Xu said.

A key component of the composite material used for filling is calcium phosphate nanoparticles. These nanoparticles contribute to the restoration of the mineral component of the tooth.

All materials were tested in the laboratory using biofilms created from saliva of voluntary participants in the study. The next step will be testing of filling materials on the teeth of animals and people.