Dentists conducted a study showing that it is possible to stop the growth of wisdom teeth with the help of anesthetics.
For this, experts suggest that local anesthesia be performed on children 2-6 years old, reports Health 24.
The study was conducted with the participation of 220 children age 2-6 years old who were treated at the Dental School of Tufts University.
Children took pictures in 3 years or more after the first visit to the clinic.
Those who underwent local anesthesia in the lower jaw area, had the rudiments of a wisdom tooth four times less.
Usually, the beginnings of a wisdom tooth begin to appear at the age of 2-6 years.
The first clear signs are felt at the end of adolescence or already in adulthood.
Problems with wisdom teeth appear in 9 out of 10 people.
Teeth often grow abnormally, causing pain, infection.
Therefore, it is often necessary to remove them surgically.
Doctors hope that anesthesia will resolve this issue once and for all.
But longer observation is needed, according to a report published in the Journal of the American Dental Assosiation.
In addition, experts have not explained exactly how anesthesia affects the tooth.
Earlier, scientists found that white wine contains components that flush calcium and phosphorus from tooth enamel.