New drill for painless processing of carious teeth, reports the Daily Mail.

The inventors are specialists from the University of Missouri, the device itself was created by Nanova company. The device uses a jet of cold plasma to prepare the teeth affected by caries for filling. In laboratory tests, a complete cleaning of one tooth took less than 30 seconds. At the same time, plasma killed all bacteria in the cavity, ensuring its sterility.

In addition, under the influence of a plasma jet, the surface structure of tooth tissues changes. Due to this, the filling material is more firmly connected with the tissues, making fillings more durable.

“ Repeated dental filling accounts for up to 75% of all dental procedures. The use of the new device will increase the life of fillings by an average of 60% “, said Hao Li, a spokeswoman for the University of Missouri.

Laboratory studies have not revealed any side effects of using plasma drill. Currently, the developers of the device are preparing the necessary documents for conducting clinical trials with the participation of patients.

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